Just saw an amazing play called "Neighborhood 3". It's all in a video game and these apathetic teens are obsessed as it takes place in their own neighborhood via sattelite. It's amazing coz their parents are zombies and they have to kill them at the end.
Listenin' to the Milkshakes and feel like shakin' it tonight. In a good mood, one of five moods I've been in today. Making the attempt to slow down on the weed. See, this is the kind of thing that I tell myself and nobody else coz if I start up again, my previous declaration can be thrown in back in my face. I think it's time to steer forward and really fuck some shit up. I wanna refuse to let bad vibes get in my way, patronizing bitches with no faith tryin' to slow me down. . . their problem is theirs, I can't be bothered.
Another issue is confidence. There is no reason to puss out anymore, I'm almost 30 and I'm done playing myself. Fuck that shit. Let it out, set it free.
There's my vent.
Spring is here and it's real. I finally live somewhere that has seasons! If you haven't seen spring coming out of the ground like I'm seeing right now, you should move. It's inspiring.
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