Fuck her mind, so they can fuck her silly!

Wednesday, February 20, 2008

If wanna know me.


i just found this site that is all about my neighborhood.
it's easier than taking pics, uploading them to the cpu, then photobucket, then copying them, etc


patrock said...

yo romohomo

it's san francisco calling ...I just found your innernetz.


Anonymous said...

ROFL "RomoHomo" ... that's hilarious (and fitting!)

`Enjoyed the Old Louisville links/pics.

Anonymous said...

I found your "new" v "old" me comments over on WFiSF pretty interesting. Also cracked up at OhNoChrisO's "Interest: feigning interest".

Did you ever glean what set Myles off about that guy?

You may wonder why I pop in and check out your postings from time-to-time. Part is wonderment at all that you have whirring under the hood. Pretty amazing. Plus I'm a sucker for creative writing. There's also a sort of voyeurism, curiousity about what's going to happen next ... how it's going to all play out. There are a handful of folks in the Blogosphere that I follow for the very same reasons. Some of the postings actually evoke ghosts from my own past (band roadie breaking down equipment in the wee hours of the morning, etc.)

My first hubby had this friend (Stephen) he had known since his teen years. Stephen used to "hold court", dazzling folks with his sarcastic sharp witty banter, looks, style (and outside the spotlight ... his huge cock). People used to clamor for invites to his soirees. Stephen resented me, because I pulled one of his most ardent admirers, best friends, and occasional fuck buddy from his orbit. It also didn't help that I broke my typical silence one evening and skewered one of his witticisms (which drew some "ooohs" from bystanders and got me permanently relegated to the doghouse). Kevin's choosing me over him totally confused Stephen. He thought me a dull buzz-killer and couldn't understand why anyone would prefer my company over his. But in a strange way he admired what we had (and soon after ended up settling down with a hubby of his own). There were some aspects to Stephen that I admired too. He actually came to Kevin's funeral and we had a rather touching exchange of memories and mementos. I mention all of this because some of the postings in WFiSF seem to have a similar sort of pretentious harshness. Definitely not my sort of scene, but fascinating to watch.

I guess I'm someone that finds a measure of predictability somewhat reassuring (rather than being considered an offensive faux pas equated with mean drunks - puhlease!) I also prefer settings that build folks up rather than tear them down. But it also makes me appreciate other ways of seeing things and not becoming totally rigid and set in my ways. Some prefer living on the edge, and I marvel that they can not only survive but thrive there.

Chris aka ConjureUp