Me and the mrs. went and saw Sonic Youth play Daydream Nation in Berkeley (i'll smoke when and where i wanna, bitch). I was excited and stoned, so I didn't seem that stoked, but I WAS!! The Berkeley Community Theatre is nice, big, stuffy and smelly. I was a clammy lady after a few minutes. . .
So they came out on stage and I clapped, hoping everyone would stay seated coz I was rocking my FILA deck shoes and they aren't that comfy when i stand for too long. All those MARK ASS BITCHES stood up and I knew it would be painfull. When that first lick rang across the theatre, everything was perfect in my life, for the moment. I love love love Daydream Nation!!!!
THE SOUND WAS TERRIBLE! Steve Shelly's kick drum sounded like a dinosaur farting, which should be a good sound, but t'wasn't at all! Kim Gordon couldn't sing, she was going for that snotty NY punk thing she WAS so good at and all i wanted was for her to knit me some socks (that's mean, but you weren't there!) Is her bass ever plugged in? I've never really heard it before!
Thurston was on, coz that's how she does. . .
Lee was on, too! The only thing is that the mrs. told me a story about how he used to go to the LURE and get all naked and have bitches whipping him. I had a hard time concentrating on his playing and just glared at him with that ????? look.
Also, it was a pretty quiet show and there's so many good loud guitars on that record, i wanted to bleed from the sonic overload.
Steve Shelly is an amazing drummer. One of the best! He reminds me of Elton Tom (worldfamousinsf.blogspot.com), they have the same head bob, but Shelly looks funny when he hits the crash. He does this head tilt jerk thing that still plays in my head. . .
1 comment:
I don't rememeber this record having two encores, its too long to begin with. That shit pissed me off. So did the standing up -- this was supposed to be an old people's show damnit! I was down in the orchestra pit where they set up all those extra chairs, of course the sound sucked there because I was right in front of Lee's amps. But the view was fantastic.
And I love Kim, especially because she looks like she should knit me some socks. Atleast she doesn't look like this hot mess. Lady-friend looks great for her age and these ads for the Japanese Gap are neat. I thought she was way on, except for when she sounded not so great on Rena, but the dancing was charming as all get out. Better than some dancing bears!
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