Castrobear? That sounds pretty fucking lame to me. After this spout of sour ontological heirarchy, the name represents most of what disgusts me in gayville. "Don't you know who I am?" CASTROBEAR!! LAZERS!!
Thanks to him, he 'tipped the scale' at the FatBar to the point of my termination. Good RIddance to bad blubber! I've never been so fed up with a work situation like I was there. Hoof n' Poof and Tweaky totally walked me into a better mind frame. I feel no resentment twords them, but I'll probably keep my distance. . . for a while. With my current monetary set-up, I'll be living for those Beer Busts in a couple of weeks .
Thinking back on those 2 years, I can honestly say I became a tougher more confident asshole, my skin's thickness augmented a few times over. Also, there were some people who touched me. . .
Yet, it wasn't a place for me. I just did not fit in at all (at times I actually wanted to). I'm different from the bears, I don't like Kylie or Clarkson, Dreamgirls or Brokeback. I like Crass and Wire, Liquid Sky and Rockers. This shouldn't be a hinderance in a bar-type social life, but I kind of perpetuated it. . . Eh, c'est la vie.
People should support that place, it's an institution and a legend. To a degree it celebrates a choice to be different from the mainstream, but it also celebrates the fattest people with the most vapid brains.
here's to the future. i hope life is much "beter" (sic) for you!
I already love this blog. Please write more about bears being lame!
Was traveling this past month ... upon returning noticed you had moved on. Sounds like a LOT has been happening over the past several weeks. Escaping the Star (YAYYYY!), a BF who extols your ... umm ... virtues on MySpace, an upcoming LA gig, Mom's surgery, etc.
Wishing you and yours all the best. I'll be sure to peek at the blog now-n-then to keep abreast of any new developments. Feel free to drop me an email if so motivated ... but I really do hope that you'll be keeping wayyyy too busy and happy to spend loads of time in here. ;)
Chris <- one of those lame SF bears *Impish Grin*
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